Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas!!! It's so hard to believe that it's Christmas! This year has flown by!!!! Honestly, it just seems like yesterday I was in Hong Kong for COR just finishing up with outreaches and celebrating Christmas with all my friends there. I never would have thought that that 3 week trip would change my life so drastically. As you know, God called me back to Hong Kong for DTS 3 weeks after I got home...and my experience there is unforgettable.

Not just that, but this year has also brought an addition to our family...little Nora. And how God revealed her to me in a dream still blows my mind. A year brings change, healing, new life, and hope.

The way God works will never be something I understand. This past week and a half has been difficult. My dear friend Dean Cyboron died in a car accident in Ch!na while spending time with his family. This man meant so much to me. When I look back at my life and my walk with God, Dean definitely was a part of my growth. I don't remember any significant moment or conversation we had that totally changed me...but it was how he lived his life. He loved Jesus with all of his heart and that love God put in him poured out onto all of us kids at TEC. He was always there with encouraging words, hugs, and often times a joke or something random to say to make me laugh :) Looking back on his life has inspired me to seek even more of God in my life. I want to live my life in a way that the people around me know how much I love Jesus for what He's done in my life. I want that to be an example to the kids I work with both in school and especially at youth group.

Yes, I don't understand why something like this would happen to Dean and his family, but I do know that God is working through this accident to reach many people. I can see how people who maybe know "about" God look at this and truly see God. It's hard not to see God in this situation. How He has provided peace and healing for the rest of the family and friends.

Tonight, we had the candlelight service for Christmas Eve...well at the end we turn off all of the lights, light candles, and stand in a circle and sing. I couldn't help but think of TEC and the Agape was so similar, and to think that Dean is there right now with Jesus at the banquet is a beautiful sight. He's there celebrating Christmas with Christ...and also praising Jesus for all He's done. God is so good!!!

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!!! Remember the true reason for the season...the little baby Jesus that came to be Emmanuel...God with Us. And that is so true! He is with us yesterday, today, and forever.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Hello everyone! I'm seriously the worst blogger ever! haha. I don't keep updated as much as I should, I apologize. But has been good lately.

I have some very excited news!!! My sister had her baby girl, Nora Joelle. She was born at 7:18pm on Dec. 6, my mom's birthday :) She
was 6lbs 15 oz and 20 inches long! She is so beautiful!!! It's so amazing to see the promise God gave me in my dream back in Hong Kong be fulfilled! If you don't remember, I had a dream on the Monday before I went to Ch!na that Ryleigh told me her mommy was going to have a baby. Then on Thursday I called Amber and she told me she just found out she was pregnant!!! It still gives me chills to think about it. I mean honestly, God was showing me so much at that time, and the fact that He loves me enough to share that with me is such a blessing. Plus now having little Nora here safe and healthy is so amazing as well. Everyone is doing great, and of course Ryleigh is a BIG help :)

Other than that, life is pretty much the same. I'm still working and now I'm trying to get my schedule all figured out for next semester, which is quite annoying. I just can't get into the classes I need to be in, so hopefully I can get it all figured out!

I'm now officially taking over the youth group at One80. I don't know what to do and how to do it, but I do know that this is why I'm here. I know that I'm supposed to be working with the youth, but what it looks like, ehh...that's a little foggy. I'm just trying to trust that it will all work out! I still feel like the team leadership is the direction to go, but who's on that team? I still don't know! haha. As of now there has been 2 girls showing up...and building relationship with them is so natural and I feel like it's what I'm good at. My prayer is that as we grow in relationship with each other others will see it and want to join and it will just grow from there.

That's about all I got for now...I hope to update againsoon, but it's likely it will be awhile. haha!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Next Step

So I'm living in Lincoln again! Woo!!! I'm very excited to back here :) I'm not going to school this semester because the only classes I have left are spring semester classes, then student teaching. So, that means I have to start paying loans...yuck. But fortunately I do have a job! I'm subbing for LPS as a para, and I may be getting a job at a middle school every day from 8-3. That would be such a blessing to have a steady job, rather than bouncing from one school to the next and always being the new person. We'll see. I was hoping to substitute teach, but the process of getting the certificate is long! I don't even know if I'm halfway through it or not! It would be great to have for the experience as well as the money, but right now it's looking like it will still take awhile to get. bummer.

I'm also going to be getting some hours watching Ryan again, so I'm excited about that! He's getting so big and his hair is getting so curly!!!! I can't believe he's already in second grade! I feel so blessed to get to work with him and his family. They are great people that inspire me by their faith and perseverance through the hard times. Little Ryan has had a lot of appointments and he will be getting scheduled for brain surgery in a few months. Please keep him and his family in your prayers.

I've been working with the youth group at my church, One80, which has been good. It is challenging though, but I see that as a good thing because then I must rely on God for strength. There is a full time youth pastor now, and it has been great getting to know him and to talk about vision for these youth. Plus, it makes my part with the group a lot less stressful! haha. What I'm really excited about in this next season of my life is what God is doing at One80. Elise and I spoke last Sunday about our time in DTS and what we learned. It's so encouraging to talk to people and see them inspired by what God has done in our lives, or excited to do missions as well! We have now been asked to be small group leaders, as well as possibly teaching some other small group leaders. I think about this and I'm like, whoa! ME? but it excites me so much! I honestly have no idea what I'm doing, but I know that God will tell me along the way. It will be an adventure that I know will stretch me and I pray that Jesus will touch people along the way.

So yeah...that's my life in a nutshell right now.
God bless

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I'm Back!!!

Hello everyone!!! I'm finally back from outreach and home from Hong Kong. We got into Hong Kong last week, finished the DTS and had graduation. Us girls spent some time on the beach and shopping and we all watched tons of movies!!! It was great to spend time together before we all went our separate ways.

Outreach was absolutely amazing!!! God moved in such amazing ways! The team I was on saw 2 people come to Christ and the other team had about 7, I believe! We were all able to make many friends and to share Jesus in every city we were in. I truly believe God really used us to plant seeds and break the ground for more and more people. He has such great plans that are beyond what I can imagine. Even just through Spiritual Warfare, God moved a lot. He told us what to pray for and what strongholds to pray against and it prepared a way for us to meet people and talk with them. Each and every person I met was so evidently meant for us to meet. God provided understanding through language barriers, opportunities to share His name and to share how He has helped me in my life, and many other amazing things.

I wish I could explain it, but I just can't find the words. Everything that comes to my mind seems so vague and doesn't do justice to what I experienced. But if I had to sum up my time in Asia, I would have to say it truly was all about relationships: my relationship with Jesus, with my team, and with the people I met in this great nation. God taught me so much through these people as well as through the people on my team. It was hard at times, but HE is so faithful to lead me in His truth. He showed me His heart for me, for my team, and for these people. I saw how He loves them and how it breaks His heart when they don't know Him. He has such great plans for everyone and I can see how much God wants His people to live in the fullness of His love and grace.

I wish I could explain everything here, but I know that would get ridiculously I will leave it at this, and I can't wait to share more with you all :) Thanks again so much for the prayers and support throughout this journey in my life.

Friday, April 9, 2010


I can't believe it's time to go on outreach! It doesn't seem like it's been 3 months since I left Nebraska to come back to Hong Kong! God has done so many amazing things in my life since January. I don't even know how to explain it, but He has revealed so much of His love to me and how much He just wants to spend time with me. I still can't get over how much I've grown. When I look at myself, it doesn't seem like it, but then I think back on the experience I've had the past 3 months and I can see how God has worked in me. He has revealed so much to me and has healed areas of my life that I didn't know were broken. I thought that I had already dealt with things, but I still wasn't healed. He has done these things and I'm so amazed! I love how I've gotten so much more confident in what God is saying to me. I CAN hear His voice!!! And that is an amazing thing in itself!!! God has showed me some pictures and dreams recently that have been such a blessing to me and my life. They have been little gifts for me, and I'm in such awe of how much my Jesus loves me!!!! Wow!

Now we leave Hong Kong and have the opportunity to go out and share the love He has poured out on us. I'm looking forward to what He is going to show me and teach me. We leave on Wednesday and spend 2 weeks with the other team, then we split and go our separate ways in the nation we are going to. I'm going to ask that you don't comment about where we are going for security purposes.

Please continue to pray for us as we go out into this amazing nation (if you have any questions, please ask my family, they know :) Please pray for team unity, divine appointments, safety and security while traveling and for God to move in amazing ways in this nation through us. Thanks so much for all the prayer and support thus far! I love you all so much!!!! God bless

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Hi everyone! Happy Easter!!!! I hope you have had a blessed time celebrating the amazing salvation we have in our Lord Jesus Christ. What a great holiday :)

This week we had team building. We took a personality profile test and it was so interesting to learn everyone’s personality styles, strengths, and weaknesses. It really helped me to understand everyone on my team better. We also worked on conflict resolution and reconciliation. This is so important to learn and it has really equipped me to be ready to face conflicts. I learned that it really isn’t a bad thing to have conflict, but it does need to be handled in the proper way. Not by fleeing or fighting, but by calming approaching the person out of respect. I am the type of person who likes to avoid conflict, but I recognize that I need to face the problem before it gets too big for me to handle.

God has really worked in my heart about my attitudes towards some people throughout the week. There were a couple people that I just clashed with and found very frustrating, but God has opened my eyes to how they were made in His eyes and I feel like I understand them better too because of the teachings.

After a whole week of team building exercises and lessons, we finally found out our teams for outreach. I will be on Jessi and Mari’s team. My team members are Josh, Sandra, Grace, Christa, Lauren, and Elise. We will be with Richelle and Kelley’s team: Chris, Christine, Le, Miriam, Katie, Stephen, Sephora and Rachel, for the first two weeks of outreach, then we will split and go our own ways for the rest of outreach. I’m very excited about my team and to see what God has in store for us in these next 2 months. I can’t believe that it’s almost time to leave!!! Just 1 ½ weeks…it has gone so fast.

On Wednesday we had a Love Feast, which is a special meal prepared for our team by the staff. They decorated the worship room and we all dressed up nice for the meal. We were able to share highlights from the lecture phase and to just celebrate our time together before we leave for outreach.

Thanks again for all of the prayers. Please continue to pray for our outreach preparations and also for YWAM’s 50 year celebration that will be next week. We will be busy preparing for both of these things and it could get pretty crazy around here! I will update you all one last time next weekend before we leave! Love you all!!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Great Loss

Our week this week was learning about the history and culture of the country we are going to on outreach. Since it is a security issue, I'm going to ask that you don't comment about the country. Thanks so much!!!

Like I said, we studied the history and culture and it has made me very excited to head out to outreach!!! We leave in a few weeks! It's so crazy that it's coming up so fast, but it will be an amazing experience.

You may be wondering about my title...well, we had a class on Friday about pirating music and movies. Harold taught about how there is a base rule about copyrighted information and that sharing CD's or songs through a USB is downright illegal and such. I hadn't really considered it much in the past, and I kind of thought it was stupid because no one gets in trouble and well, I never illegally downloaded off the internet, I just shared it with my friends. At the beginning of DTS I had heard about this lesson and God convicted me of my music. I had prayed about it and decided, yeah well I will delete some of it. So I did, but I left a lot of it. Then a few weeks ago, it came up again, and I was like, "ok God, I get it...I will do it" But I still didn't walk in obedience to Him. During the lesson, our staff admitted that they have done it too and that it was a hard process to work through, but in order to live in righteousness, it was something we had to take to God. And James 4:17 says "Anyone who knows what good he ought to do, and still doesn't do it, sins" That got to me, and I realized that yeah, I probably wouldn't get in trouble with the law and it doesn't really seem that big, but for me to go deeper with God I needed to do this. So finally I deleted all my illegal music. My itunes library went from about 2,500 songs to 539 songs. Ouch. It was very hard, but at the same time, very freeing. I am choosing to walk in obedience and following God's heart and I can't do that when I know I am disobeying Him.

I'm not saying this all to condemn you who share music and all that...It's totally between you and God. I completely understand how you may think it's not a big deal, and that's cool. It's just something I knew I needed to do since God has been telling me this for about 3 months. haha

Today me and my fellow students put together a ninja video :) One of our team members isn't going on outreach with us and he is really into martial arts, so we decided to make a funny video to tell him that we will miss him. I know, I know....we're dorks! But it's so fun!!!! haha Crazy stuff like this is always great bonding time :)

Hope all is well back home. Please continue to pray for us as we begin to prepare for outreach. We have a few people who haven't gotten all of their money for outreach yet, and will need their fees paid to be able to go with us, so if you could pray for them too. We have a team building week next week and we will find out how the teams are split for outreach. It will be bittersweet. It will be exciting to see who all we get to spend the next two months with, but also that means for two months we won't get to see the rest of the team. We have all made such great relationships that it's hard to split. I will probably have a couple more posts, but once we leave I won't be online. Thanks for all the prayers and support!!! God bless

Saturday, March 20, 2010

There's So Much More

So this week we had speaker, John Hay. He spoke on World Views and religions. We learned about Christianity, Animism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. It is very interesting to look at these different religions from a Biblical standpoint. The people of these religions are all seeking Truth, and Satan has a great time twisting their views on what truth really is.

Not much else is new. This week I was a little homesick. I was just missing my family and my friends and all I wanted to do was just sit outside, under the stars and talk the night away. I mean, I'm not ready to go home just yet, but I do know that when June comes around I will be ready to come home and see what's next for me.

It's so hard to believe that we only have 2 more weeks of class left! Then we leave for outreach!!! I'm getting excited to use everything we have learned this far to advance God's Kingdom here on earth. Please be praying for our final weeks of class and for preparations for outreach. Thanks so much! God bless!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

His Love is So Deep

How much deeper can I go? How much farther can God take me? Once again God's love has been poured out upon me. The more I encounter Him, the more I feel connected, and the more I want to go deeper and deeper. This week we had Jimmy Stewart come and speak on the Father's love for us. When I first started the week, I didn't know what to expect. I mean, I grew up in an amazing Christian household with parents that loved me and guided me in the way of Christ. I didn't think that this would be a huge thing for me, but on Friday something happened. God, the Father, came and spoke with me. We talked back and forth. I waited on Him and He spoke. I answered and He replied once again. It was amazing. He spoke such sweet things to me. He held me and called me His daughter. He told me He delights in me and thinks I'm absolutely beautiful. And He told me that all He wants is to just be with me. I don't have to do certain things and strive to be "righteous." If I just dwell in Him, it will happen. It's so amazing that God loves me, loves us, so much that it doesn't matter what we say or what we do, He just wants us to delight in His presence. And believe me, it is the most comforting thing.

Throughout the week God just kept telling me to come like a child, like His child. He wants to hear everything that is on my heart, good or bad. He wants to rejoice with me and help me. When He told me that, I thought of my niece, Ryleigh. I had gotten a video of her and she was telling me what she would do that weekend. She was so excited to just tell me everything! And God wants us to be like that. To be so excited to tell Him everything. He also told me that He just wants to hold me tenderly and softly. The picture of my niece Joslynn resting in Tyler and Amber's hands came to my mind. So tiny, but so loved. That's what I imagine it being like in God's hands. Resting so peacefully in His hands and that His hands just embrace me with so much love. That no matter what, good or bad, He will hold me forever in His hands.

I miss you and I'm praying for you all back home. Love you and God bless

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sharing the Love

Hello! We had a great week this week learning about evangelism with Nancy Vallese, one of our base directors. She has so many inspiring stories about her outreaches she has been involved in. It really made me excited for outreach and for evangelizing to people!!! We had an outreach on Thursday at Star Ferry Pier. We did the dance “Sometimes” and a drama called “The Chair.” We were planning on doing it twice, but we had some issues come up with another lady working in the area. Obviously there was some spiritual warfare going on! We did just one performance and talked to lots of people and there were 4 salvations that night! Sandra, from Germany, and I were ministry partners and we were able to talk to and pray for 2 different girls. One of the girls, Phyllis, was wearing blue, which we had gotten in intercession. She went to church, but didn’t have a relationship with Jesus. She wasn’t too interested in learning more either, but she was ok with us praying for her. The other girl, Phoebe, didn’t know anything about Jesus, and she didn’t seem like she wanted to talk, so we prayed for her and gave her a tract. She read it pretty intently for about 5-10 minutes after we had walked away. Please pray God continues to reveal Himself to these girls.

Yesterday, Christine from the Philippines, and Rachel and Lauren from England, and I went to a beach and went swimming. It wasn’t super hot, but it was nice and relaxing to get away from the village for awhile. Then we met up with the other girls from the base at The Vine Church for the One-Eighty young adults’ church service. It was a great service, and they ended up praying for us for an outreach we did after church.

We went down to Wan Chai. In this area there are a few blocks that have several strip clubs and bars. It kind of reminds me of Bourbon Street in New Orleans. We took roses and carnations and gave them to the girls that work in these clubs. Katie from Canada and Arianna (staff) from California and I went around together. We met 4 girls sitting outside of a club and gave them flowers. They were very talkative and we were able to pray for them. Then we were able to talk to 4 other girls from a couple of different clubs, but the opportunity didn’t come to pray for them because of the madams. Almost all of the girls that work in this area are from the Philippines. They come here to work because there aren’t places for them to find jobs back home. They often come for about 6 months and leave husbands, boyfriends, or even their own children to raise money. It’s so sad that this is one for the only means for them to earn money. Please just pray for all of the girls we all talked to last night. Pray that they can see that they are special and valuable in God’s eyes and that He has good plans for them.

Thanks so much for everything! This week we have Jimmy Stewart from the States. He will be talking on the Father Heart of God, so it will be an emotional week again. Pray for open hearts for God to move. Thanks again! Love you and miss you all!!!

Sunday, February 28, 2010


This week has been a very freeing and emotional week. We had speaker Ken Bluemel and he spoke on freedom from personal strongholds. I honestly had no idea what to expect going into this week. I had heard the word ‘stronghold’ thrown around here and there, but I never really understood it completely. God can be a stronghold in our lives. When we are weak, we find strength in Christ. Strongholds can also be personal or even demonic holds on our lives. These can come from sins or traumatic events that occur in our lives. This week God brought up trust. In my life there have been situations where someone I trusted a lot has let me down or disappointed me. I subconsciously connected trusting people to trusting God, and that since this person had let me down, then God would too. Which is a HUGE lie! I really processed a lot of things and learned how to bring down strongholds layer by layer until I get to the root.

Once again God poured out His love on me this week. He kept just telling me how much He loves me and how all He wants is for me to receive His love. It’s hard to grasp that all of God’s love is for me and all of His love is for you. That no matter what happens He accepts me. The hardest part that I have faced has been making it a heart connection. Moving it from my head to my heart. It’s so easy to say, God loves me, but to believe and receive it can be so difficult. We had a time of prayer during one of our lectures and God continued to speak of His love to us, and at one point in time Ken came and prayed over me. God was just saying through Ken, “Receive My love, receive it.” That was a very touching moment and I finally made that full connection.

This weekend is the end of Chinese New Year celebrations, and our village, Shui Tau Tsuen, has been very busy. It is the oldest village in Hong Kong and there are many temples, so around 1000 people have been celebrating around the temples. There have been lion dances, concerts, and a lot of food. It’s really cool to learn about this culture and be immersed in it.

Thanks again for all of the prayers! This week we are learning about Evangelism and we will be doing an outreach on Thursday. The outreach will be similar to Christmas Outreach, and I will actually be involved in the dance “Sometimes” that I was in at COR. It will be lots of fun! Love you!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Reaching Out

Hello everyone! I didn’t get a blog posted last week, so this one might be longer. Last week we had Bill Payne speak for the week. He spoke on the character of God. It has been so amazing to look at how much God truly loves us. That it’s not just that He loves us, but that throughout all eternity God’s love has always been the same. Nothing we do or the failures we’ve had can add or subtract from His love because God loves us with ALL that He is. Bill talked about Jesus’ death on the cross. We all know that He was crucified and died for our sins, but you know about how the Bible says that He was speared and blood and water flowed out of Jesus’ chest. Well, when someone is stabbed first water would come and then the blood because the heart would be punctured last, but it says blood and water flowed out together, which means that a blood vessel or Jesus’ heart would have had to burst for it to be mixed. Jesus literally died of a broken heart because of His love for us. That just amazes me!!!

God has been continually pouring into us and reminding us of His love. He just keeps saying “I love you, and you are to love people like I love them.” He longs for everyone to love Him, but since love is only love if it is freely chosen, He gives us the free will to choose to love Him. When we choose to follow Jesus, we are commanded to love others. We learned more about that this week when Joe Rystrom, one of our base directors, spoke on missions. We as Christians are called to go out and spread God’s love with every tribe, tongue, nation, and people. This is God’s heart to see them all worshipping before Him (Rev. 7:9). God speaks of love around 559 times in the Bible. He speaks of reaching the nations around 559 times. Do you think there is a connection? God loves everyone, but He needs us to go out into the world and share Him with them. I never realized how few cross-cultural missionaries there are in the world. There are only 400,000 full-time missionaries in the world, and they are working to share the Gospel to around 3 billion people in the unreached nations of the world. The sad things is that our churches aren’t supporting God’s call to reach the world enough. Statistics show that a total of $330 billion are spent in churches a year, but of this money only .1% ($400 million) is spent on missions to reach the unreached people of the world. And only 5.9% ($19.6 billion) is spent of regular missions. How will every tribe, people, language, and nation come to know Christ if people are willing to go and to help?

We had a time to think about what we learned and to pray and ask God how He wants us to help in reaching these people. I feel that God placed me in Lincoln for a reason, but that I’m called to raise up students and take them out into missions. To open their eyes to reaching out to people around the world. I know that I just need to trust God and He will guide me to where I’m to go and who I’m to reach.

So I’m learning a lot, but I’m also having a lot of fun too! Last weekend was Chinese New Year so a group of us went to a parade in the city. Next weekend there will be a huge celebration in the temple area next to our village. It’s so fun seeing this culture and learning about it. We have also have been hanging out a lot and just being crazy, which is normal for us :) Last weekend a few of us climbed the mountain that is behind our village. It was quite a hike, but I pushed through! Sadly, it was cloudy on the top and we couldn't see mainland China, but it was still a fun and challenging adventure I enjoyed!

Please continue to pray for me and all of us here. Next week we will be learning about personal strongholds. If you could just pray for me to continue to be open and willing to learn and to let my heart be molded into what God wants it to be. Thanks so much! Love you all

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Men are a sack of dirt without God's breath.

This past week we had Dean Sherman as a guest speaker. He spoke on Relationships and Spiritual Warfare. God revealed many things to me this week, especially in the relationships teachings. Luke 10:27 says: “Love the Lord your God with all you heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and love your neighbor as yourself.” This is our greatest commandment. This is what our religion is all about because this is what Jesus did. God has been working in my heart to love myself and others as well. It’s hard to always choose love, but we are commanded to do so. Another thing was that ALL love comes from God, and no one can show true love to anyone without loving God. We must choose to love God and love others even when the feeling is gone. Love is a choice, an action. It’s one of those things that I have to remind myself to do. I have to choose to love people when I’m happy, tired, frustrated, or hurt.

Like I said before, we also learned about spiritual warfare which was very interesting. I hadn’t realized that our authority over Satan in Jesus name was so great. I knew we had authority, but I didn’t realize that God doesn’t intervene in spiritual matters unless someone is willing to be used. He can, if He wants to, but He loves us enough to let us choose to be yielded to Him. God won’t force Himself upon us. We as humans must yield to God and allow Him to work through us.

There are so many things to process, but it is so good to learn all of these things. Love you and I will update you next week!

Friday, January 29, 2010

New Faces and New Places

I made it to Hong Kong last week and have pushed through tired days of jet lag in my first week and a half of my Discipleship Training School!!!! There are 16 students here: 12 girls and 4 guys. We have Lauren and Rachel from England; Sandra from Germany; Séphora from Switzerland; Josh from Australia; Grace from Hong Kong; Katie, Stephen, and Chris from Canada; Christine from the Philippines; Miriam from Oregon; Christa from Washington; Adam from California; Le from Omaha; and Elise and I. It has been great getting to know everyone!!!

We officially started the DTS started on Wednesday (Jan. 20). Most of the day was introduction and orientation of the base and duties we have. Then we have had one lesson about “Little Foxes” which are just those little sins that we don’t always acknowledge because they don’t seem to be that big of a deal, but things like that can build into bigger things. The rest of that week we have shared testimonies of all of us students as well as all of the leaders. I love hearing about everyone’s experiences and how Jesus has impacted their lives.

Last weekend we spent a day out with the team so the staff took us into Hong Kong Island. We road a tram up the Peak and took a lot of cool pictures then they sent us on a scavenger hunt throughout the city. My team got lost and we were 20 minutes late, but we still had fun :D Then we had a BBQ and played more games and had some karaoke. We went to church in the city at The Vine. It is a contemporary English speaking church that is very diverse. I liked it a lot and I will probably attend there regularly.

This past week God has really revealed a lot to me. We have had many lessons on prayer, intercession, hearing God’s voice, worship, pride, and the list goes on. They have been foundational things, but it has been so good to refresh my heart and mind. God really captured my heart and met me where I am. He takes me for who I am and just wants me to give my whole heart, no matter how big or small, He just wants it all. It was challenging, and sometimes I didn’t want to trust Him and give up that piece of my heart, but He has been blessing me in this time.

Other than our busy schedule and lessons, we have had time to spend with our team. We have been playing quite a bit of soccer and Frisbee and it has been a lot of fun!!! Even though it has been so fun, I have gotten hurt, a lot! Haha. I have massive bruises on my legs and I rolled my ankle from playing soccer then I accidently got hit in the face with a chair. haha oh well!

My injuries

I will keep updating you in the weeks to come! Love you and miss you all! God bless