Friday, January 29, 2010

New Faces and New Places

I made it to Hong Kong last week and have pushed through tired days of jet lag in my first week and a half of my Discipleship Training School!!!! There are 16 students here: 12 girls and 4 guys. We have Lauren and Rachel from England; Sandra from Germany; Séphora from Switzerland; Josh from Australia; Grace from Hong Kong; Katie, Stephen, and Chris from Canada; Christine from the Philippines; Miriam from Oregon; Christa from Washington; Adam from California; Le from Omaha; and Elise and I. It has been great getting to know everyone!!!

We officially started the DTS started on Wednesday (Jan. 20). Most of the day was introduction and orientation of the base and duties we have. Then we have had one lesson about “Little Foxes” which are just those little sins that we don’t always acknowledge because they don’t seem to be that big of a deal, but things like that can build into bigger things. The rest of that week we have shared testimonies of all of us students as well as all of the leaders. I love hearing about everyone’s experiences and how Jesus has impacted their lives.

Last weekend we spent a day out with the team so the staff took us into Hong Kong Island. We road a tram up the Peak and took a lot of cool pictures then they sent us on a scavenger hunt throughout the city. My team got lost and we were 20 minutes late, but we still had fun :D Then we had a BBQ and played more games and had some karaoke. We went to church in the city at The Vine. It is a contemporary English speaking church that is very diverse. I liked it a lot and I will probably attend there regularly.

This past week God has really revealed a lot to me. We have had many lessons on prayer, intercession, hearing God’s voice, worship, pride, and the list goes on. They have been foundational things, but it has been so good to refresh my heart and mind. God really captured my heart and met me where I am. He takes me for who I am and just wants me to give my whole heart, no matter how big or small, He just wants it all. It was challenging, and sometimes I didn’t want to trust Him and give up that piece of my heart, but He has been blessing me in this time.

Other than our busy schedule and lessons, we have had time to spend with our team. We have been playing quite a bit of soccer and Frisbee and it has been a lot of fun!!! Even though it has been so fun, I have gotten hurt, a lot! Haha. I have massive bruises on my legs and I rolled my ankle from playing soccer then I accidently got hit in the face with a chair. haha oh well!

My injuries

I will keep updating you in the weeks to come! Love you and miss you all! God bless

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Headed to HK

Well, tomorrow is the day. I leave at 5:55 am to go back to Hong Kong. It has been hectic these past 2 weeks since God first told me to 'take a leap of faith' and go back to Hong Kong so soon. Although I have talked to so many people and made so many plans, everything seemed to work out without a problem. Definitely not me!!! God was in control of it from the start and He made it all work out for me to be able to go back! Praise Jesus!!!

I don't know really how to express my feelings right now. I'm super excited, and I'm actually not too nervous. I really have a peace about it all. It is emotional saying good-bye to friends and family, but I know they are in God's hands. I am so fortunate to have the family and friends that I do. They all have been so supportive and have prayed with me and for me for this whole adventure that God has called me to. I want to thank you all for the support! Love you!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hong Kong

It has been a long time since I have last blogged, and last time I was talking about not knowing where God was leading me. I still don't know about what I'll do after I graduate, but I do know what I'm doing now :)

This past Christmas I did Christmas Outreach in Hong Kong with YWAM. It was an amazing experience, and while there God laid on my heart to do a DTS (Discipleship Training School). I thought, "Yeah, I'll do that after I graduate. That will be perfect!" Well, God had other plans. Much to my surprise, He meant DTS now, and it starts in 1 1/2 weeks! It seems absolutely crazy, but the timing really couldn't be so right. Everything seems to be working out for me to go.

It's hard to leave, but I know I need to do this. I can't imagine what it will be like to be gone for 5 months, but I'm open to what God has to teach me and do through me. While at COR I learned a lot, but I just sensed that God was saying that He's just begun, and He's not ready to let me go back to the real world quite yet. He has things to teach me that will benefit me and my future. I trust this calling and I'm so excited!

It has also been such a blessing to have such great friends and family that are supporting me with this decision. Thank you all so much!!! I just ask for your continued prayer and support for me in this time and also for the rest of the DTS members.

Thanks again!
God bless