Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Next Step

So I'm living in Lincoln again! Woo!!! I'm very excited to back here :) I'm not going to school this semester because the only classes I have left are spring semester classes, then student teaching. So, that means I have to start paying loans...yuck. But fortunately I do have a job! I'm subbing for LPS as a para, and I may be getting a job at a middle school every day from 8-3. That would be such a blessing to have a steady job, rather than bouncing from one school to the next and always being the new person. We'll see. I was hoping to substitute teach, but the process of getting the certificate is long! I don't even know if I'm halfway through it or not! It would be great to have for the experience as well as the money, but right now it's looking like it will still take awhile to get. bummer.

I'm also going to be getting some hours watching Ryan again, so I'm excited about that! He's getting so big and his hair is getting so curly!!!! I can't believe he's already in second grade! I feel so blessed to get to work with him and his family. They are great people that inspire me by their faith and perseverance through the hard times. Little Ryan has had a lot of appointments and he will be getting scheduled for brain surgery in a few months. Please keep him and his family in your prayers.

I've been working with the youth group at my church, One80, which has been good. It is challenging though, but I see that as a good thing because then I must rely on God for strength. There is a full time youth pastor now, and it has been great getting to know him and to talk about vision for these youth. Plus, it makes my part with the group a lot less stressful! haha. What I'm really excited about in this next season of my life is what God is doing at One80. Elise and I spoke last Sunday about our time in DTS and what we learned. It's so encouraging to talk to people and see them inspired by what God has done in our lives, or excited to do missions as well! We have now been asked to be small group leaders, as well as possibly teaching some other small group leaders. I think about this and I'm like, whoa! ME? but it excites me so much! I honestly have no idea what I'm doing, but I know that God will tell me along the way. It will be an adventure that I know will stretch me and I pray that Jesus will touch people along the way.

So yeah...that's my life in a nutshell right now.
God bless