Thursday, September 10, 2009

bloggity, blog, blog...oh brittney

I couldn't think of a title, so Brittney helped me out with it ;) It's been awhile. I have started my Junior year at Wesleyan and it has been great hanging out with my roommates :) But we do miss Elise a lot. It seems so weird that she isn't texting us to let her in, as well as gracing our prescence with her special scent ;) We are going to start a Bible study for the four of us and I'm really excited to just grow that bond with the three of them.

It has been interesting lately how some friendships that were so close in the past have just drifted away and gotten awkward. It is frustrating, but at the same time I don't regret growing closer to my roommates and Elise. I guess there is a time for everything, and I remember while reading "Captivating" that it talked about the circles of friends and how people go from one circle to another and the circl closest to you are those friends that you share your life and intimate details with. Your best friends. And I have those now, even though it has changed from the past. Even though people change and relationships change, I treasure those friendships that you can go so long without speaking, and when you finally do, it is amazing! I have had a couple of those talks recently with Alicia and Megan and it has been so good! I just thank Jesus for still being able to share anything even though the timing of things doesn't always work out.

So changing topics...I would love to ask for some prayer. First of all, One80 has their first preview service on Sunday!!! I just pray that people will come and see Jesus in all of us there. Also, on Wednesday we are kicking off the Crash Sight youth group. Things are slowly falling into place, but I know God is leading this. I just don't see the full plan will happen though, I just need to keep the faith!

I'm also praying about where God is leading me after I graduate. This past weekend I went to LifeLight, and God really laid the children of Africa on my heart. I am now sponsoring a little boy, Antonio, from Mozambique, and I went to a seminar about an orphanage in the Congo. I am strongly considering and praying about a short-term mission trip there, possibly next summer. After that, I don't know where God is leading me. I'm sure His plan will be more clear as the year and a half until I graduate progresses. Whether that means stay in Lincoln, teach, and do youth group. Or if it means go overseas and teach...I have no idea, but these are just some thoughts and prayer concerns for me right now. Thanks so much! Love you and God bless